Friday, March 8, 2019

TGA (Tiger Goalkeeping Academy)

I have played in many big and important matches and have achieved a lot throughout my soccer career, as a coach and player, but Tiger Goalkeeping Academy (TGA) is my favorite accomplishment yet. Over the past three to four years I have been able to help so many players develop, meet many coaches/people I would have never met unless I had helped create TGA, and I have been blessed with so many amazing opportunities and different experiences. So, how and why did we start TGA?

My sophomore year of college I started to get into coaching, but mainly 1-on-1 sessions just for a little extra money. I worked with the local club some but I still wanted to do more, but did not know where to start. Then, one day a teammate of mine, Ryan T., approached me with the idea of starting our very own Goalkeeping Program. Back then I'm pretty sure we saw it as a great business opportunity considering there was no formal goalkeeper train south of Chicago, and we definitely had no idea the impact we would have on the community. So, we got the ball rolling around spring 2016 and I remember thinking players were going to be flying out to train with us, but we found out quick it would take a lot more than just sending flyers around town.
After that first summer we really dove into the business aspect of the program and right away we started to see a great turnaround when we actually applied marketing and advertising techniques. During that first year Ryan and I, along with maybe two other coaches, really made name for TGA (a small name, but a name nonetheless). After the 2017 summer Ryan was graduating college and informed me that he wanted to pursue his degree and that he was going to step away. I completely understood and right then had a choice to make to either stop TGA and maybe join another program, or continue and see how far I could take this thing. And I believe that I had made the right choice.

I have done a lot of learning as a goalkeeper specific coach over the past three years and even though the strategy of approach has changed a few times within the program, the overall goal has never changed. The reason we created TGA was to give players in the south Chicago suburb area a chance to develop their skills and receive quality goalkeeper training. I know coaches in the area have tried in the past to create their own GK Program, and some have tried since we've started, but (from my knowledge) no one has lasted as long as we have. I think part of it is because being young and not having a family yet I have more time and energy, but I truly believe the overall reason is patience. That is the most important trait I have acquired since staring this program, because everything does not go as planned and the lack of soccer commitment within the soccer community in the south suburbs is heavy. But, to be successful in this area, patience is something that is needed and greatly valued by other coaches and parents. 

TGA has turned into something I would have never thought of four years ago. On the training pitch we have been able to partner and train with  many clubs and individual players, establishing many lasting relationships. Off the pitch social media has been huge for us as we've used Instagram and Facebook as a way to connect with numerous players, coaches, parents, and other programs. The last four years have been amazing and I'm ready to see what's next for TGA.

Establishing TGA has been an amazing experience for me and has opened many doors, which has lead to new opportunities for me inside and outside of coaching. If any young coaches are looking to begin their own program, I am more than willing to help and share what my experience has been. Look us up on Instagram (@tgacademy16) or on FaceBook (TGA16), and shoot me a message to chat. I love helping others as I believe that coaches who are willing to put the effort to develop players will help grow and enhance the soccer community. 

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